Friday, April 01, 2005

Even in such beautiful weather we were having today, my body manages to ache. My legs were so sore, they looked like footballs...both of them. Ever since the tests that the neurologist did to check how much nerve damage i had, the swelling has gotten worse. Right now the swelling is pretty bad and i don't want to elevate my foot cause that would mean being stuck in my bed which i hate.

I just finished another ceramic for my sister, only problem is that i don't know which color should i pick for the eyes. I'll just wait for saturday so that she could tell me. Also, she got me the DVD burner a few days early which im soooo happy. It was in target on clearence for $70. Now all i need is some DVD-R's and im good to go. Also, if i want to connect my other 80 gig hard drive, im gonna need a raid card which i don't have the money for, it sucks.

I'll update some more in a few days. Have a good weekend all.

Lilly [ 1:23 AM ]


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